July 29, 2008


I am having a great time on vacation.  I never thought that having all of these people with us would make for such a relaxing trip, and now I hope that we have it like this every year.  Mom and Dad seem so relaxed.  They have been so much fun to be around I feel so blessed to be so close to my parents.

Being able to spend some of the time with my grandmother is wonderful.  I am so glad that I have the opportunity to do that.

I wish my sister and brother in law could have stayed longer but I understand why they needed to go home.

The boys are having a blast.

Here is Tyler with his first fish.  He was so proud of it.  I am so proud of him, but I will not go near the fish touch the fish or anything like that.
Nathan was having a blast on the boat.  He was trying so hard to walk.  Yes he was having some issues, but he eventually got his sea legs.

Dad and Tyler were having a blast.  My father is so tired but is having so much fun.  I have not seen him so relaxed in a long time
Kristen and Juliana were just chillin.  they were having so much fun up here.

Even the boys loved playing together.
I have never had a better vacation in my life! 

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