July 25, 2008


After a long day of packing, and traveling I had big dreams of sleeping in and starting off today sleeping in. I remember the days of coming up to the lake and being able to sleep in. When I woke up the sun was up and shining, and we could eat breakfast and head down to the water. You always felt refreshed.

Now with kids just another story.

Our trip is extended, because we are potty training. I thought how great Tyler will be potty trained and we don't have to worry about diapers any more. While that is true (for the most part, except for night - another blog, another day) now we have a new issue on our hands - I have to go potty... So we had to stop a bunch of times so that he could go potty. Thankfully I keep a potty chair in my car so that he could go with out having to worry about finding a place to go.

Then we get here and I have to unpack so that I can find everything we need. You know the blankets, pillows, and PJ's... And because we were stuck in a car the kids want to run around. Then putting the kids to bed.... which went very well, to my surprise.

But this morning - 5:30 and we are up. Nathan got up at 5:30 and would not go back down. So, here is to hoping that I will be able to get some more sleep during nap time.

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