July 23, 2008


My Sister and I took Nathan to get new shoes today!  He did not want to get his feet measured.  But he finally did.  He is in a size 5 extra wide.  That does not suprise me one bit since Tyler has big and wide feet too. 

I have to go to Stride Rite to purchase my children's shoes.  Because they have both extra wide feet.  I wish we could go to a store like Payless or Target for shoes.  They would be less expensive.  But we have to go to Stride Rite and pay $50.00 for a pair of shoes.  Expecially shoes that they will only wear for a few months.  Oh well.

He looks so funny in shoes.  I am just not used to him in them.  And the funnier part is that he keeps trying to take off the shoes in the car.  But he did not get them off. 

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