June 25, 2008


Today we had to run to Toys R Us to get diapers and socks. I know fun. Well it so crazy.

First of all why does Toys are Us have a big section of the trains, with a play table set up right down the main aisle? We have to stop and play with the train. Did I mention we have the exact same train table at home. We don't want to leave.... I have to bribe T with a train to get him to leave, but does that work, nope.

Now when we finally leave than we want to play hide and seek in the racks of clothes. But here is the problem with that. T is a big boy and does not fit in the racks of clothes.

In the mean time N has to yell at me because we are not moving. He has to stand up and try to get out of the shopping cart, because we want to crawl around and get into trouble with brother.

Finally it is time to leave, and we see the bikes and motorized cars.... Yep another stop.

Why does going to the store mean stress when you are going for two simple things?

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