June 24, 2008

Attitude with at capital A

I thought that 3 year olds had attitude, but I have to say I have been put in my place. I am wrong! I have learned that 1 year olds have attitude! Captain N has such a little attitude. I can't believe the hitting, the crying and the little temper tantrums. It just amazes me. He has learned that he can take a toy away from Captain T and then cry when Captain T takes it away from him, and I will yell at T to give it back. Well I have just learned what is really going on. So now I have "yelled at" N to give it back.

He gets so angry when he does not get his way. He has a little tantrum where he will fall flat on the ground and just cry. I know that T did it at his age, but N seems to have it down. His newest trick is to hit when he gets angry. This boy needs to learn to control his temper and control his attitude, and PDQ!

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